Making Universal Indicator´s

  1. Aim: why did we try to make a Universal Indicator?


  1. Equipment: beaker test tubes pipets hot plates tea bags base and acid


  1. Method: we put the tea bags into the beaker and then we put hot water into the beaker, put it on the hot plate then turned the hot plate on, and waited for it to boil. Then we got a pipet and put some of the tea water into a test tube and put some base and acid into it to see what it would do. 


  1. Results:


  1. Discussion: starting discussion questions (you can include more detail)
    • My indicator turned out to be dark orange and light orange
    • They changed color because of the hydrogen ions when we put acid into it, it went light orange and when we put base into it, it went dark orange.
    • Some were better than others since if I had a thing that I wanted to know if it was acidic or basic I would try it with cabbage 


  1. Conclusion: starting conclusion questions (you can include more detail)
    • All of the experiments worked? 
    • I could improve it by doing more work and helping out.
    • add all of the other results to the table.

PH scale


Aim: why did we experiment?


Equipment: spotting tiles pipettes universal indicator litmus paper



  1. we put some acidic and basic stuff in the spotting tiles 
  2. put some universal indicators in them




Discussion: because if the fluid changed to red it had more acid than base if the fluid changed to green then it had half and half and if the fluid changed to a purple-blue colour then it had more base. I know that these chemicals are acidic or basic because of the color of the pH scale.


Conclusion: I did not do the work because I was not feeling well then. I could have improved by doing the work, so then I would know what to do next time we have to learn about the pH scale. 

Model atoms

Aim: To learn about the stretcher of an atom.

Equipment: paper, scissors, tape, string, beads

Method: we grabbed paper scissors string tape and beads, we cut out Circles with the paper and scissors two of them didn’t have a center and one does put little holes in the top and bottom of the circles and put string throw it. put beads on it the amount that the atom has.


Discussion: there are 10 protons in neon 10 electrons and 10 neutrons, you can find these particles in the atom in the center and on the outside of the atom, the atomic number is 10 and the mass number is 20.1, the mass number is t=how many protons and electrons there are, it can pass thow water fog, the same element with different neutron number

Conclusion: it did work and I would not do anything different.

new zealand drug laws



Info Info

Purchasing age: 18

Drinking age: legal drinking age is 18 

Drinking at a party: legal drinking age is 18

What will a shopkeeper be charged with if they sell u18 alcohol?




Highlight- is it illegal or legal?

Possession/to have: illegal or legal? 

Distribution/deal: illegal or legal?

Cultivation/grow: illegal or legal?

What will the fine and/or jail time be if you….

Get caught with a small amount of weed on you? $500

Get caught selling/dealing it? $50

Get caught growing it? $500 or 3 month in jail



Purchasing age: 18 Fine and/or jail time for the person selling U18 the cigarettes?

For the retailers can be fined up to 500 dollars



Link-near the top of the page look for the heading title: smoking and vaping. You will find the answer for Q1 there.

Purchasing age: 18 Fine and/or jail time for the person selling U18 vapes?

For the retailers can be fined up to 10,000 to 100,000 dollars

wind racer

Aim: Today I wanted to find out how to build a wind racer and how to calculate how far it goes from meters to meters a second.


  1. wind racerbase
  2. plastic bag
  3. bamboo stick
  4. leaf blower


we put a plastic bag over the bamboo stick then we put the bamboo stick onto the wind racer base, and then we went outside the next time we had science and used a leaf blower to push the land yot along the ground and to see how far it goes my groups one went 0.5 meters in 5 seconds.


My wind racer went 0.5 meters in 5 seconds and I calculated it to be 0.1 meters a second so every second it went 0.1 meters.


some forces acting on my wind racer are drag thrust gravity, and the forces are unbalanced. the net


Football Reflection term 2

This term in PE we have been learning about football

The following words are used in football

  1. offside when u are goal side on the defender
  2. onside when u are ur goal side of there defender
  3. kick off  when u kick the ball off in game to start the game
  4. dribble when u kick the ball not to far
  5. pass when u pass the ball to ur team mate
  6. when u throw the ball on to the pitch
  7. goal kick when the goaly kicks the ball

football is played with 11 people on the pitch at one time for both teams, the field is 90 to 100 meters wide and 120 to 130 meters long


term Reflection

How has my term been? not the best

What has made it good/bad being able to hang with my friends and the bad thing is being at school;

what can do next term to make things more successful? wake up on time

The emotion I felt today was happiness

a quote that inspires me is

I’m not in the White House. Tried for that job. I didn’t get it. So all I can do from where I am is to say, ‘All right, how do we get things done from here
a modern technology that makes my life easier is my phone
Something Nici did for me is she is always there for me when I need it

athletic’s day

Hello, readers today I am going to tell you what I did in athletics,

I participated in, long jamp, high jamp, discus, shot put, and 100m,


The weather was __raining_____ 

I felt good when ___it was cansild____

Something/someone that surprised me was __it was caned_____

My friend ___tyler____ did well in __ever single event_____

One thing that I could have done _100 m______

The highlight of my day was ___going home wet____

Next year I hope to __do athletics_____

Zombie punnetts

Aim: to look at punnet square´s



Discussion: the reason why my zombie looks like this is because it has some gens from the mother and father

  • Gene A section of DNA which codes for a particular trait. For example eye colour.
    Allele Different versions of the same gene. For example blue vs brown eyes.
    Phenotype The physical/outward appearance
    Genotype The two inherited alleles (internal appearance)